Books and Articles
Bacon-Shakespeare studies
Elizabeth Wells Gallup & other biliteral cipher studies
Elizebeth Smith Friedman
Riverbank & Fabyan Stuff
Riverbank Publications on Bacon Ciphers
A. Phoenix. The Fraudulent Friedmans
A. Phoenix. The Secret Relationship Between Francis Bacon and the Jaggards: Printers and Publishers of His Essays and the First Folio of the Shakespeare Works
Alain Decaux. Les grands mystères du passé
Amy Butler Greenfield. The Woman All Spies Fear. Code breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and her hidden life
Betsy Rohaly Smoot. Parker Hitt, The Father Of American Military Cryptology
Charlton Hinman. The printing and proof-reading of the first folio of Shakespeare. Vol 1
Charlton Hinman. The printing and proof-reading of the first folio of Shakespeare. Vol 2
Christensen, Chris. Review of Memories of My Work at the Cipher Bureau of the General Staff Second Department 1930–1945 by Marian Rejewski. Cryptologia, 37(2), 167–174
Colin Mackinnon. William Friedman's Bletchley park diary
David Crystal, Ben Crystal. Shakespeare's Words: A Glossary and Language Companion
David Kahn. The Codebreakers
David Kahn. The Codebreakers. The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet
David Kahn. The Codebreakers. The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet
David Kahn. The Reader of Gentlemen's Mail
David Sherman. Sources and methods for cryptologic history the William and Elizebeth Smith Friedman collections
David Sherman. The Codebreakers war: David Kahn, Macmillan, the government, and the making of a cryptologic history masterpiece
David Sherman. The National Security Agency and the William F. Friedman Collection
David Sherman. William Friedman and Pearl Harbor
Duncan Salkeld. Shakespeare Among the Courtesans: Prostitution, Literature, and Drama, 1500-1650
Elizabeth Winkler. Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies. How Doubting the Bard Became the Biggest Taboo in Literature
Emily Thompson. The Soundscape of Modernity. Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900-1933
Frances Amelia Yates. The Rosicrucian Enlightenment
G. Thomas Tanselle. The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers
General François Cartier. Un Probleme de Cryptographie et d'Histoire
General François Cartier. Un Probleme de Cryptographie et d'Histoire
Herbert O. Yardley. The American Black Chamber
Jason Fagone. The woman who smashed codes: a true story of love, spies, and the unlikely heroine who outwitted America's enemies
John F. Dooley. History of Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. Codes, Ciphers, and Their Algorithms
John F. Dooley. The Gambler and the Scholars. Herbert Yardley, William & Elizebeth Friedman, and the Birth of Modern American Cryptology
John F. Dooley. Was Herbert O. Yardley a Traitor? Cryptologia, 35(1), 1-15
John Henry. Knowledge Is Power
Kruh, Louis. TALES OF YARDLEY SOME SIDELIGHTS TO HIS CAREER. Cryptologia, 13(4), 327–358
LNCS 9100. The New Codebreakers
Manly Hall. The Secret Teachings of All Ages
NSA. Cryptologic Quarterly. 2015-01
NSA. Cryptologic Quarterly. 2017-03
NSA. Cryptologic Quarterly. 2019-01
NSA. From the Ground Up. American Cryptology during WWI
NSA. The Dawn of
American Cryptology, 1900–1917
Paolo Rossi. Francis Bacon. From Magic to Science
Robert A .Theobald. The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor
Robin Denniston. Thirty Secret Years. A. G. Denniston’s work in signals intelligence. 1914 — 1944
Robin Denniston. YARDLEY'S DIPLOMATIC SECRETS. Cryptologia, 18(2), 81–127
Ronald Clark. The Man Who Broke Purple
Rose Mary Sheldon. The Friedman Collection:
An Analytical Guide
Stephen Budiansky. BATTLE OF WITS. The complete story of codebreaking in World War II
William Boyd. The secret persuaders. The Guardian, 19 Aug 2006
William F. Friedman. Shakespeare, Secret Intelligence, and Statecraft
William F. Friedman, Elizebeth S. Friedman. The Cryptologist Looks at Shakespeare
William F. Friedman, Elizebeth S. Friedman. The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined
William R. Elton. Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, and the Inns of Court revels
Ален Деко. Великие загадки и тайны истории. Том 1
Андреев А., Бережков В. Оккультисты Лубянки
Мэнли Холл. Энциклопедическое изложение символистской философии
NYT Judge Tuthill Episode
The DECRYPT project
Web Pages
Blanchard Hiatt. AGE OF DECIPHERMENT. Cryptologia, 1(2), 101–105
Letters to the Editor. Cryptologia, 19(4), 375-379
(Lost Pages, 1995)
Gesta Grayorum
Guide to the John Matthews Manly. Papers 1885-1940
(2015, University of Chicago Library)